Nineteen Years in Public Service

Nineteen years ago I started work, at Her Majesty‘s pleasure according to my job offer letter, as an Executive Officer with the Department of the Environment. I was a graduate entrant on the DOE’s Management Development Programme and was paid Continue reading Nineteen Years in Public Service

Strategy Study Notes

I am currently (Aug 2011) studying module B301 “Making Sense of Strategy” with the Open University. This is a final year (third year, level 3) undergraduate module which forms a core part of their BA in Business Studies. I have an exam in Continue reading Strategy Study Notes


For some people collaboration is a dirty word, with connotations from those who collaborated with the nazis in WW2. Not for me though, I think that it makes for a generally better outcome than trying to do everything oneself. However Continue reading Collaboration

Second Assignment done

At last I have finished the second assignment for the B301 Making Sense of Strategy Open University course that I am currently doing. I got a week’s extension to this one because I’d been a little unwell and very busy, Continue reading Second Assignment done

You Cannot E-mail HMRC?

I was somewhat surprised tonight to discover that HMRC apparently refuse e-mails from members of the public (AKA customers) with tax enquiries. This was started because I got a coding notice (dated 21 February 2011)  that said I owed some Continue reading You Cannot E-mail HMRC?